Source code for hidi.matrix

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import types
import warnings

from hidi.transform import Transform
from hidi.linalg import dot
from pyvalid import accepts
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, KFold, StratifiedKFold

# Catch annoying warnings from nimfa
with warnings.catch_warnings():
    import nimfa as nf

[docs]class ApplyTransform(Transform): """ Apply a function to an input. Takes a single argument, `fn`, which must be a function accepting one argument (the function to apply), and kwargs. :param fn: The function to be applied to transform input. :type fn: function """ def __init__(self, fn): self.fn = fn
[docs] def transform(self, x, **kwargs): """ :param x: The input to the function :code:`fn`. """ return self.fn(x, **kwargs), kwargs
[docs]class SimilarityTransform(Transform): """ Takes the dot product of a link*item matrix. Returns either a link*link or item*item similarity matrix. If axis is :code:`0`, an item*item matrix is returned, if axis is :code:`1` a link*link matrix is returned. The returned matrix represents a similarity matrix. The transform function returns a tuple containing the similarity matrix, and the links or items, depending on the axis. :param axis: The axis to perform the dot product for. :type axis: int[0,1] """ def __init__(self, axis=0): self.axis = axis
[docs] def transform(self, M, items, links, **kwargs): """ :param M: The matrix to create a similarity matrix from :type M: numpy ndarray-like :param items: Array of :code:`item_ids` in the same order that they appear in :code:`M`. :type items: array :param links: Array of :code:`link_ids` in the same order that they appear in :code:`M`. :type links: array """ M_T = M.transpose() if self.axis == 0: sim_matrix = dot(M_T, M) sim_axis = items elif self.axis == 1: sim_matrix = dot(M, M_T) sim_axis = links else: raise Exception('Axis must be either 0 or 1') return sim_matrix, self.merge_kwargs(dict(items=sim_axis), kwargs)
[docs]class ScalarTransform(Transform): """ Scale the matrix using a function or class method. `ScalerTransform` takes an `fn` argument that specifies the function that should be applied to the matrix. If `fn` is a string the scaler transform will try to call a function by that name on the matrix, if it is a function reference, scaler transform will call that function with the matrix as input. :param fn: The scalar function to use. If :code:`fn` is a string then an attribute of that name will be looked up and called. If :code:`fn` is a function, that function will be called with the input given to transform. :type fn: str | function """ def __init__(self, fn=np.log): self.fn = fn def scale(self, matrix): if isinstance(self.fn, types.FunctionType): return self.fn(matrix) elif type(self.fn) == str: return getattr(matrix, self.fn)() raise Exception('%s is not a valid scaling function' % self.fn)
[docs] def transform(self, matrix_to_scale, **kwargs): """ Takes a :code:`matrix_to_scale` as a numpy ndarray-like object and performs scaling on it, then returns the result. """ out = self.scale(matrix_to_scale) return out, kwargs
[docs]class SparseTransform(Transform): """ Make a sparse item*link matrix using SciPy's sparse compressed row matrix implementation. """ @accepts(object, pd.DataFrame)
[docs] def transform(self, df, **kwargs): """ Takes a dataframe that has :code:`link_id`, :code:`item_id` and :code:`score` columns. Returns a SciPy :code:`csr_matrix`. :param df: The DataFrame to make a sparse matrix from. Must have :code:`link_id`, :code:`item_id`, and :code:`score` columns. :type df: pandas.DataFrame :rtype: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix """ link_u = list(df.link_id.unique()) item_u = list(df.item_id.unique()) data = df.score.as_matrix() row = df.link_id.astype('category', categories=link_u) col = df.item_id.astype('category', categories=item_u) outshape = (len(link_u), len(item_u)) in_tuple = (data, (row, col)) kwargs = self.merge_kwargs(dict(links=link_u, items=item_u), kwargs) return csr_matrix(in_tuple, shape=outshape), kwargs
[docs]class DenseTransform(Transform): """ Transform a sparse matrix to its dense representation. """
[docs] def transform(self, M, **kwargs): """ Takes a sparse matrix and transform it into its dense representation :param M: a sparse matrix :type M: scipy.sparse classes """ return M.todense(), kwargs
[docs]class ItemsMatrixToDFTransform(Transform): """ Create a Pandas DataFrame object with items as the index. """
[docs] def transform(self, M, items, **kwargs): """ Takes a numpy ndarray-like object and a list of item identifiers to be used as the index for the DataFrame. """ return pd.DataFrame(M, index=items), kwargs
[docs]class KerasEvaluationTransform(Transform): """ Generalized transform for Keras algorithm This transform takes a Keras sequential model, a validation matrix and its keyword arugments upon initialization. :param keras_model: a Keras sequential model which is documented here: :type keras_model: Keras Sequential model :param validation_matrix: A validation matrix is a dataframe that has :code:`item_id` index, other 'label' columns. It will be inner joined with the M matrix and then fed into the Keras sequential model. :type validation_matrix: pandas.DataFrame :param tts_seed: random state seed for :code:`train_test_split` :type tts_seed: int :param tt_split: the proportion of the dataset to include in the test split for :code:`train_test_split` :type tt_split: float """ def __init__(self, keras_model, validation_matrix, tts_seed=42, tt_split=0.25, **keras_kwargs): self.keras_model = keras_model self.keras_kwargs = keras_kwargs self.validation_matrix = validation_matrix self.tts_seed = tts_seed self.tt_split = tt_split if 'item_id' in validation_matrix.columns: self.validation_matrix.set_index('item_id', inplace=True)
[docs] def transform(self, M, **kwargs): """ Takes a Takes a dataframe that has :code:`item_id` index, other 'features' columns for prediction, and applies a Keras sequential model to it. :param M: a dataframe that has :code:`item_id` index, other 'features' columns :type M: pandas.DataFrame :rtype: a tuple with trained Keras model and its keyword arguments """ rows, columns = M.shape embedding = M.merge(self.validation_matrix, left_index=True, right_index=True) embedding = embedding.values x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split( embedding[:, :columns], embedding[:, columns:], random_state=self.tts_seed, test_size=self.tt_split) x_train, y_train, validation_data=[x_test, y_test], **self.keras_kwargs) return self.keras_model, kwargs
[docs]class KerasKfoldTransform(Transform): """ Generalized transform for Keras algorithm with k fold cross validation evaluation :param keras_model: a Keras sequential model which is documented here: :type keras_model: Keras Sequential model :param validation_matrix: A validation matrix is a dataframe that has :code:`item_id` index, other 'label' columns. It will be inner joined with the M matrix and then fed into the Keras sequential model. :type validation_matrix: pandas.DataFrame :param kfold_n_splits: Number of folds for kfold. Must be at least 2. :type kfold_n_splits: int :param kfold_seed: random state seed for kfold :type kfold_seed: None, int or RandomState :param kfold_shuffle: Whether to shuffle the data before splitting into batches for kfold :type kfold_shuffle: boolean """ def __init__(self, keras_model, validation_matrix, kfold_n_splits=10, kfold_seed=42, kfold_shuffle=True, classification=False, **keras_kwargs): self.keras_model = keras_model self.keras_kwargs = keras_kwargs self.validation_matrix = validation_matrix self.kfold_n_splits = kfold_n_splits self.kfold_seed = kfold_seed self.kfold_shuffle = kfold_shuffle self.classification = classification if 'item_id' in validation_matrix.columns: self.validation_matrix.set_index('item_id', inplace=True)
[docs] def transform(self, M, **kwargs): """ Takes a Takes a dataframe that has :code:`item_id` index, other 'features' columns for prediction, and applies a Keras sequential model to it. :param M: a dataframe that has :code:`item_id` index, other 'features' columns :type M: pandas.DataFrame :rtype: a tuple with trained Keras model and its keyword arguments """ rows, columns = M.shape embedding = M.merge(self.validation_matrix, left_index=True, right_index=True) embedding = embedding.values if self.classification: kfold = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=self.kfold_n_splits, random_state=self.kfold_seed, shuffle=self.kfold_shuffle) else: kfold = KFold(n_splits=self.kfold_n_splits, random_state=self.kfold_seed, shuffle=self.kfold_shuffle) X = embedding[:, :columns] Y = embedding[:, columns:] for train_index, test_index in kfold.split(X, Y): X[train_index], Y[train_index], validation_data=[X[test_index], Y[train_index]], **self.keras_kwargs) return self.keras_model, kwargs
[docs]class KerasPredictionTransform(Transform): """ Generalized transform for Keras model prediction This transform takes a trained Keras model. It applies the train model to the input when :code:`transform` is called. :param: model: trained keras model :type M: trained keras model """ def __init__(self, model): self.model = model
[docs] def transform(self, M, **kwargs): """ Takes a numpy ndarray-like object and applies a trained Keras model to it. Returns the predictions from the trained Keras model :param: M: a dataframe that has :code:`item_id` index, other 'features' columns :param: M: pandas.DataFrame :rtype: ndarray-like object with its kwargs """ predictions = self.model.predict(M) return predictions, kwargs
[docs]class SkLearnTransform(Transform): """ Generalized transform for SciKit Learn algorithms. This transform takes a SciKit Learn algorithm, and its keyword arguments upon initialization. It applies the algorithm to the input when :code:`transform` is called. The algorithm to be applied is likely, but not necessarily a :code:`sklearn.decomposition` algorithm. """ def __init__(self, SkLearnAlg, **sklearn_args): self.SkLearnAlg = SkLearnAlg self.sklearn_args = sklearn_args
[docs] def transform(self, M, **kwargs): """ Takes a numpy ndarray-like object and applies a SkLearn algorithm to it. """ sklearn_alg = self.SkLearnAlg(**self.sklearn_args) transformed = sklearn_alg.fit_transform(M) kwargs['sklearn_fit'] = sklearn_alg return transformed, kwargs
[docs]class SVDTransform(SkLearnTransform): """ Perform Truncated SVD on the matrix. This uses SciKit Learn's Tuncated SVD implementation, which is documented here: All kwargs given to :code:`SVDTransform`'s initialization function will be given to :code:`sklearn.decomposition.TruncatedSVD`. Please reference the `sklearn docs <>`_ when using this transform. """ def __init__(self, **svd_kwargs): super(SVDTransform, self).__init__(TruncatedSVD, **svd_kwargs)
[docs]class NimfaTransform(Transform): """ Generalized Nimfa transform. This transform takes a nimfa algorithm, and its keyword arguments upon initialization. It applies the algorithm to the input when :code:`transform` is called. """ def __init__(self, NimfaAlg, **nimfa_kwargs): self.NimfaAlg = NimfaAlg self.nimfa_kwargs = nimfa_kwargs def transform(self, M, **kwargs): nimfa_alg = self.NimfaAlg(M, **self.nimfa_kwargs) nimfa_fit = nimfa_alg() kwargs['nimfa_fit'] = nimfa_fit return nimfa_fit.basis(), kwargs
[docs]class SNMFTransform(NimfaTransform): """ Perform Sparse Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. This wraps nimfa's snmf function, which is documented here: All kwargs given to :code:`SNFMTransform`'s initialization function will be given to :code:`nimfa.Snmf`. Please reference the `nimfa docs <>`_ when using this transform. """ def __init__(self, **snmf_kwargs): super(SNMFTransform, self).__init__(nf.Snmf, **snmf_kwargs)